About Susan

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Moon Harvest Festival

I had the pleasure of performing at the Moon Harvest Festival in Cupertino last month, and the Singtao Newspaper folks even interviewed me regarding my dance as the costume is rather different than what many expect for a "Chinese dance." I explained that this dance originated from the Yi people of the Yunnan province and that I was to portray a girl giddy with anticipation about a tryst with her lover.

I realize that I have much more to learn about all the different cultures of China, and what better way to do it than through learning various dance styles? If it weren't for folk dances, to this day I wouldn't even know about the Uighur, Yi, Dai, and other cultures. There are many I have yet to even discover. Secretly, I'd really like to learn a spirited Mongolian dance where I mime riding a horse and shooting arrows (at targets, not people), etc. That'd be a good challenge!

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